"If things ever get scary out there you can always come home."

My name is Kairos and I'm an apprentice wizard who lives in JUNEWORLD. I don't know much about myself or the world because of my amnesia but I have some hobbies to distract myself from that. . . One day I got the idea should build a web page to express myself. I am called "The Walking Statue" because I am made of stone but though that might give people the impression that I'm really stoic and mature...

Most people who know me think of me as rather childish and naive.

♪ ┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?
What Genre Of Manga Are You?
What Genre Of Manga Are You?
Hosted By Anime Yu-Gi-Oh:  Which Character Are You?
Yu-Gi-Oh: Which Character Are You?
Hosted By AnimeWhat Zelda Sidekick Character Are You?
What Zelda Sidekick Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime What Eevee Evolution Are You?
What Eevee Evolution Are You?
Hosted By Anime

6/?? Last night there was a beautiful shower of petals from the face in the sky. However, the petals just became sustanence for the snails from the snailstorm yesterday so their population rose. . . I'm going to have to salt the lawn. Now that I think about it. . . everything that comes from the face in the sky is technically like its vomit. Now the flowers don't seem as attractive any more. My package also arrived on the roof today [though it was covered in mollusks and rotting plants.) It was the hair accessories Bucciarati wore in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I think he is really fashionable so I wanted to look like him. I have a picture of myself wearing these hair accessories but my face had been tampered with.

6/?? You can learn a lot by looking at remnants of the past. I learned that someone named Sara likes to have Americanos every morning. People looked at me all funny. Is it possibly illegal to look through trash cans?

4/10 goth some braces thoday. mah teeth theels funny. English was a free period today and the substitue pretty much let us run wild so I took the whole period the draw a mural of Mista and Josuke (in original jojo art style) on the whiteboard and it looked pretty sick when I was done. The next day it was erased but that doesnt matter, because I was able to make some faces light up and class fun for everyone, though it was just for a moment. I think it was worth it because things had been pretty gloomy lately, with the original teacher being gone for 2 months and let everyone in a bad mood. never got to take a picture of it though.

4/15I got two teeth ripped out and ther doctor gave them to me. some of the meat from my gums was still stuck on and i totally regreat not eating anything till this point. also all i can taste is blood.


CURRENTLY WATCHING: Yu-Gi-Oh! , Haibane Renmei , GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Rune Factory 4 Special , Pokemon HeartGold

CURRENTLY READING: solanin , Steel Ball Run

Why can't snakes walk on cheese? They lactose! • What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasabi! • Why you shouldn't trust stairs? They're always up to something! • Why are trees great friends? They are very down to earth! • A man walks into a bar... ouch • A "Have you seen the dog bowl?" B "No. I wasn't aware he could do that." • Where do trees go to learn? Elementree school! • Addicted to seaweed? You should see kelp! • What kind of trees eat humans? Coniferous trees! • I used to work at a calendar factory... I got fired because I took a couple days off. • What did the wall say to the other wall? I'll meet you at the corner! • I love telling dad jokes. Sometimes he even laughs. • A "Did you ever get shot in the army?" B "No, I was shot in the leggy." • What do you call a fish with a bowtie? Sofishticated! • What does a nosey pepper do? It gets jalapeno business. • I hate my job all I do is crush cans all day. It’s soda pressing. • A "I always knock on the door before opening the fridge." B "Why?" A "Because there could be a salad dressing." • What does a wet rabbit need? A hare dryer! • What does a broom do when it's tired? It goes to sweep • what do you call a blind dinosaur? a do you think it saurus • what do planets listen to? Neptunes • What do you call a lazy kangaroo baby? a pouch potatoe • why couldn't the flying squirrel fly? it ate too many ground nuts • What do you call a cow that can't get up? ground beef •
what do you call an illegally parked frog? toad • Where do fish work? in a bank • What is brown and sounds like a bell? dung • why are elevator jokes so good? they work on many levels • When you sing in the shower and get soap in your mouth, that's when it becomes a soap opera • Why was math so easy for the romans? because X was always 10 • Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It's fine, he just woke up •
Welcome back! How was your day? Would you like dinner or bath first?
Huh? Who are you? Do I know you? Hey, answer me!
Cowabunga! I'm really on a roll today, aren't I?! Life's a blast !